Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Presidential Election Of 1828 - 1787 Words

It’s been proven that campaigns can get dirty and grimy. In the fight for voters, candidates will put on some of the most outrageous acts to destroy each other. The respect for each other is nonexistent. With mudslinging, it gives political candidates the opportunity to assassinate the other candidate’s character, dig up candidates unethical past history, and scrutinize their political views. Mudslinging and dirty politics has not only been a fad of modern day campaigning, but is known to exist as early as the 1800’s presidential election. The elections most known for its dirty politics and mudslinging in the 1800’s were the election of 1828 and the election of 1840. The election of 1828 is said to be the rematch of the 1824 election†¦show more content†¦By the time the presidency was revealed, there was more offensive mudslinging circulating around about each candidate’s character, past history, and political views than any other presiden tial election ever. For example, Jackson’s marriage to Rachel was so heavily scrutinized by Adams’ campaign, that Jackson believed it was the cause of her death. â€Å"When Jackson was married to his wife, Rachel, they were under the assumption that she was divorced. However, her divorce from her previous marriage was not yet finalized, in which it caused them to remarry once the legal papers were completed† (Boundless 15). Jackson was accused of committing adultery by Adams’ campaign and his wife was even labeled as a whore. Andrew Jackson was known for his military background and the battles he fought in, but even that were scrutinized by Adams’ campaign. The National Republican Party used Jackson’s allegations about the court martial of U.S. troops and ordering the execution of some Soldiers who went absent without leave (AWOL). They also attacked Jackson for killing innocent Indians and adapting a habit of dueling. The killing of the Soldiers was known as the â€Å"Coffin Handbill†, which they called General Andrew Jackson a murderer. John Adams was no saint to the supporters of Andrew Jackson as they came prepared with their sleeves rolled up to fight back with their dirty political tricks. The

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