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An Essay on Religion - 1974 Words

Ramy Gabal ENG2850 Professor Hale Sirin Due: February 26, 2015 An Essay on Religion During the late 17th and 18th centuries, a powerful movement spread across Europe that fundamentally changed European society. Widely referred to in hindsight as the Enlightenment, this era in European history showed a great emphasis on the glory of reason and science, dramatically shifting from the emphasis on religious doctrine that empowered Europe for centuries. Through this period of Enlightenment, new ideals were reflected amongst European society. Writers, scholars, and philosophers began writing fondly of the world and man’s capacity to understand the world around him without blindly following religion. Instead, people were encouraged to†¦show more content†¦Aside from his holy words, however, Madame Pernelle has no grounds to give Tartuffe such praise; a clear commentary of how some are blindly enamored by the words of the religious more than by their actions. Later, we are introduced to Orgon, who clearly plays the primary role of the fo ol in this play. Orgon believes that Tartuffe is a religious man of good spirit, blinded solely on him witnessing how loud Tartuffe prays in church, and how it causes all the eyes in the room to focus on him, â€Å"He used to come into our church each day, And humbly kneel nearby and start to pray. He’d draw the eyes of everybody there, By the deep fervor of his heartfelt prayer; He’d sigh and weep and sometimes with a sound, Of rapture he would bend and kiss the ground, And when I rose to go, he’d run before, To offer me holy-water at the door.† (MolieÌ€re, Act I, Scene V). Orgon’s appreciation for this deep religious fervor of Tartuffe goes so far that when he returns from his trip, he is more interested in hearing about how Tartuffe has fared in his absence than the status of his sick wife and his family (MolieÌ€re, Act I, Scene IV). The repetition of Orgon’s line â€Å"Ah. And Tartuffe?† after every worrisome answer regardin g his family is meant as a comedic tool to cite Orgon’s stupidity, as a man who cares more about a religious homeless man than his own family is truly a fool. While Tartuffe mocks the ignorance and blind faith some portray following religiousShow MoreRelatedReligion And Religion Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesReligion is universal. Although people may have different ideologies and practices, everyone believes in something, whether they deem it their religion or not. In this way, religion is a powerful connection between all of humanity; thus, it is important to understand the people behind religion and how their unique characteristics correlates with and influences religion—whether that be their social class, ethnicity, gender, or politics. However, ethnicity and gender, along with the closely linkedRead MoreReligion Essay1649 Words   |  7 PagesReligion Essay 1. What are the functions of religion? 2. 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