Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Can we ever know the true level of crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Can we ever know the true level of crime - Essay Example However this seems to be an on-going tale which does not find any end at all. Wherever there is crime, there is punishment and this is because crime has its specific ramifications if understood in the most apt manner. One must understand that punishment and crime are inter-related and hence the former is something which shall directly or indirectly affect an individual within the moral and ethical concepts. The true level of crime must be ascertained before one can suggest where the ramifications and consequences could be deciphered. This paper discusses how crime is a deterrent to the different societies of the world and that its extent cannot be gauged in an easy way. An effort has been made to find out the true level of crime as it happens within the different terrains of the society and for that all-out measures are in place to tackle this menace from its roots. Crime exists because people who are its stakeholders believe in its existence. What this means is the fact that crime h as a definitive place and position within the different domains of a society and it would be very difficult for a commoner to run away from either the crime or the one who is committing one such act – the criminal itself. ... the view that this (crime) can be curtailed while others opine that it an uncontrollable aspect and should therefore be given more significance and consideration within the related aspects of human society, punishment and morality. Whatever it is, crime exists to thwart the basis of proper conduct amongst the people, bring about problems for the mankind and basically disrupt the basis of smooth sailing within the people on a societal level. The hierarchies get affected and hence criminals are given more significance than was necessary on their part. The authorities run after them yet they hardly find a criminal much to their dismay. This is the world of present times where criminals are more famous than the ones who perform the good tasks and are basically the saviors of the society. Moving on with the aspect of crime, the concepts of civil rights and civil law are both significant functions of civil society as it is the bubble of private action independent of the control of the gove rnment. One must remember that this is not free of governmental action because this secures the nature of the civil society through the protection of individuals against the criminal wrongdoings. It is essential to note here that the civil society is comprised of the people who are left by the government to regulate their respective pursuits with regards to the industry and improvement, however the protection brought forward by the government is in the form of the citizens from the criminal wrongdoings in the form of violence, fraudulent activities, robbery and thefts. The civil society always finds a way to keep away this criminal element from its domains. If the civil society does not play its part in an imperative manner, the crime rate increases and the sanity within the ranks of the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hyper Secretion of Mucus Results in the Production of Sputum Essay

Hyper Secretion of Mucus Results in the Production of Sputum - Essay Example John has a history of previously smoking for 28 years and stopped when diagnosed with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has had asthma since he was a teenager, which is being treated with inhalers. John’s airway, breathing, and circulation was checked on arrival to identify any actual or potential problems. These observations are taken on admission as an initial assessment and management of a patient during their stay on HDU. They provide a baseline for future comparison, to monitor the patient condition during treatment and to monitor the patient’s response to treatment or medication. Whilst on HDU, John started developing respiratory problems like shortness of breath (dyspnea) with a raised respiratory rate 33 along with low oxygen saturation 88% (hypoxemia). Hypoxemia may lead to anxiety, dyspnea, and a reduction in oxygen saturation. The effect of a lowered cardiac output, poor circulation, and potential lung dysfunction may cause a drop in oxygen to tissues affecting other organs, which is why I will administer 2L of oxygen to Jack via nasal cannula. I, then, went on to assess John’s circulation where I found his skin colour, capillary refill, and fluid balance to be normal. His blood pressure was slightly raised 180/120. John’s temperature was 37 and I found his skin to be slightly moist. John pulse was 88, strong and bounding, following a sinus rhythm. Disability was assessed next and I found John’s Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) to be 15/15 and he was alert. His blood glucose was normal; however, his pain score was 7/10 so I administered some analgesia.